Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Its Been A While...

     Its been a while since I wrote, so consequently, there are a lot of updates. I realize my last blog was when I was just moved in three days and wow have things changed! Including myself! Where to start.....
     Picking up where I left off, I shall begin with the start of school. The first day, I was insanely nervous and thoughts were racing around my head as to all the horrible things that could go wrong of course. Thankfully, my roommate and neighbor Chris ( I'll get to him later) had class at the same time in the morning as I did. We all walked to class together which helped my anxiety because I was among friends my first day of school. Now, remember that I said I had come from a Community college?? Yeah, well it didn't prepare me at all for what I was about to experience. The college was like a small city with cars whizzing by on every street and people walking briskly up and down sidewalks all  carrying the same determined look yearning to get to their destination. Never before had I felt so small or so insignificant compared to the world around me.
     The first class of the day was General Chemistry I with roughly 150 other students besides myself and I was scared to say the least. Awaiting for the class in the lecture hall before mine to release I took in all of my surroundings and made notes of things I may need to know later. Finally, the class let out and who else do I see but my infamous ex-boyfriend. Just the sight of him made my stomach turn in disgust... what a way to start the day right? As the day went on, I was delighted to see many of my friends from home which made the day oh so much more bearable.  Over the course of the next few days I gradually began to become accustomed to my new school as well as apartment living and began to enjoy my time away from home.
     Also, during this time of overcoming my many fears, I began to become a socialite of sorts. I had game night at my apartment frequently and went to the BCM (Baptist College Ministry) and enjoyed having friends again that I had lost over the summer for various reasons. The gym became a frequent place for me to go as well because it was so close and my neighbor Chris was really fun to go with. I started bonding with Chris and thinking he didn't know Christ, had made him my project of sorts to show him God's love and mercy and encourage him to become a Christian. ( I later found he already was) I would have to say that this chapter in my life was certainly one of my happiest.
     Now fast forward to today... Chris and I have since then fallen in love and I've really gotten used to living on my own and going to college. Life still has its problems no doubt but overall I can't complain. God has blessed me in so many ways and I could not possibly count them all.