Saturday, August 13, 2011


So, move in day is only 5 days from now and already I've had to start budgeting money.  Having only one person to feed a.k.a. myself, makes it easy to make living cheap. Yet, even the most frugal of living is still expensive.
     On my first grocery shopping excursion, I simply bought all my necessities. This included spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, pepper, garlic salt, lemon pepper, vanilla, baking soda, baking powder) that I found I use most frequently and the basics for every kitchen such as peanut butter, jelly, soup, flour, sugar, bread etc. Something to remember is that nutmeg is nutmeg and cinnamon is cinnamon. I say this meaning that though some brands look flashy compared to the "great value"  may seem better quality but, they are, in fact, the exact same thing and the flashy more expensive version is simply that, more expensive. To live in today's world of financial ups and downs it is necessary to save whenever possible, by simply saving a dollar or more by buying off-brand items you will ultimately end up saving thousands!  Another tip is to look at the unit price of each item. More than likely, the larger portion of an item will have a smaller unit price and thus save you money in the long run unless that is, that the item is a perishable item and will spoil before you use it all. Things like mayonnaise, peanut butter, coffee, and dry creamer you may find is cheaper to buy in bulk.  More to come after I move in!!

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